60 Seconds Of Raiderland

4/11/24 – 60 Seconds of Raiderland: Did Texas Tech MBB Dodge A Bullet With Scott Drew Turning Down Kentucky? A Few Quick Thoughts…

Would McCasland really have left Texas Tech for Waco after one year? Why? A few quick thoughts then we’ll see you tonight at 6:30 on The Daily Broadcast LIVE on Twitter, YouTube And Facebook.

60 Seconds Of Raiderland

3/6/24: 60 Seconds of Raiderland – Texas Tech Suspends Prof. Over Anti-Semitic Remarks. Why Was He There In The First Place?

Now that Texas Tech has suspended Mario Funez-Flores, let’s ask the next question? Why was he at Texas Tech in the first place? Who evaluates the evaluators in this instance? Our thoughts from Raiderland today.