My Thoughts On NASCAR Banning The Confederate Flag? Here Ya Go. Either You Understand Liberty, Or You Don’t. . .

If someone invites you to their house, you don’t show up and disrespect their house by doing things they don’t like or approve of.

If my friend invites me over, and he’s a huge Dallas Cowboys fan, I don’t bring my Green Bay Packers flag and run it up his flag pole.
I don’t disrespect my friends.

So, when it comes to NASCAR banning the Confederate flag, it’s pretty simple to me.

It’s their house. If you don’t like it, don’t go to their house. But if they’re really your friend, you’ll respect their views. . .

For all the NASCAR fans saying they’ll never watch again, never go back again, never support the sport again because they “infringed” on your rights. . . you really don’t get Freedom or Liberty.

It’s their house.
Do what you want at yours.
Respect other folk’s homes though.
That’s Liberty.
That’s being cool.
That’s America.
