Brought to you in part by the good folks at the Shropshire Insurance Agency. A locally owned Independent Agency here in Lubbock. Red Raiders ready to help you, your family and your business!
What we’re thinking about today is. . . value.
I’m not talking about values, I’m talking about the things in your life that you create that add value to or are of value to other people. If you look around the country right now, there’s a lot of taking and not of lot of adding when it comes to value.
From the way people interact with each other on a daily basis to the way businesses and companies interact with their customers and even employees. There’s a dearth of value being created and delivered.
If you can figure out a way to add value to a conversation, an interaction or a business transaction; you’re going to be way ahead of the game in this life.
Too often we find ourselves trying to “get”. If we truly want to “get” value we have to create it and give it away.
Hopefully as the week goes on we’ll see more giving and less taking of value.