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Happy Thursday, y’all !
Easter weekend means another quick week for Texas Tech Baseball as they open their critical road series tonight at Central Florida. UCF sports a top ten RPI right now and Tech needs some big road wins to move up on the D1 RPI chart from the 70s to…well anything is better than that. If Texas Tech can take two game this weekend they’ll make a big move in the Big 12 standings but more importantly work on the NCAA Tournament resume for May.
That’s really what this is gonna boil down to for Texas Tech. It won’t be where they finish so much in the Big 12, though that usually goes hand-in-hand, but rather how much work they can do on the RPI over the next six weeks. And there’s lots of work to do, but plenty of chances to do it. It will start tonight with Mac Huer on the mound for the Red Raiders. He’s been effective at times but has a problem giving up home runs. UCF has power sprinkled throughout the line-up, so watch for that tonight. Huer needs to set a tone and as Larry Hays used to say, “give the team some courage”. First pitch at six, so we’ll know soon enough tonight what the feel of the game will be.
Either/Or Thursday
Each Thursday we give you some tough choices to make. Can’t choose both. Gotta make the call. Sometimes sports, sometimes not. Here we go for this week.
What do you prefer for Easter Sunday Lunch? Either traditional ham; OR anything else from steaks to fajitas? Which one and why?
With MLB returning today ( and It should be starting next Monday but that’s another story !) what time of game do you prefer? Either a low-scoring 3-2, 3-1 pitchers duel; OR do you like a bombs away, 10-8 Colorado Rockies Friday Night Special? What time of baseball do you like and why? For me? Always a pitchers duel. Always.
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We see what you did here, Dane!
Van Cliburn performs the National Anthem, Opening Day 1994 at The BallPark In Arlington