5 Things We Know On A Sunday – All The Weather/All The Time In West Texas, A “Hot Lunch” In Lubbock, The Lost Art Of Quilting, Power Ranking Great Things In Life And This Time Is The RIGHT Time…

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5 Thins We Know On A Sunday

  1. This past week was the perfect example of how West Texas gives you everyone thing you could want, weather-wise. We had temps in the 70s, winds in the 70s, rain, drizzle and snow. All within about 5 days or so. If you don’t like the weather around here, just wait a few minutes and it will change. If feel bad for folks in San Diego and Honolulu…having to endure the same weather over and over. What a drag that must be! On a side note, this was one of those weeks where you find out who really wants to live here and who doesn’t. I love the folks who want to live here.
  2. I got to chalk off, “Watching your truck burn up in a Mexican food restaurant parking lot” off my list of things in life on Thursday. First off, Thanks to God that no one was hurt and no damage happened to anything other than my truck. Second, thanks to the amazing men from the Lubbock Fire Department who were on the scene in minutes. It could have been a lot worse. There were so many things that could have been worse, I just have to be thankful it played out the way it did. If it had happened while I was driving, we would have found out just how much wiper fluid I had really fast! So, when you think things are awful, just remember there’s a lot to be thankful for in moments like that. That said, until you’ve stood in a parking lot watching your truck on fire, you can’t say you’ve had a Hot Lunch in Lubbock!
  3. My wife and her family are expert quilt makers. It’s amazing and fascinating to watch their works of art come together. Fewer and fewer folks in America have the talent and knowledge to do things our grandparents and great-grandparents probably took for granted. The knowledge and skill to do things like quilt making and other things like that disappear every day. That’s a shame. What’s are some of the cool things your family can make, create or a neat skill-set they have? Share in the comments below! Here’s to the Creators out there in the world.
  4. The time we are now on is the correct time. Leave it. I mean, do we really need to put this on Elon Musk’s List Of Things To Do?
  5. How would you Power Rank these three things: Clean Sheets, Smell of Fresh Bread and Perfect Water Pressure for a Hot Shower in the morning… I think I’m going Shower, Sheets, Bread but can be convinced otherwise.

Thanks for hanging out with us in Raiderland this Sunday. We may very well have a Diamond Talk show this evening so hang around and follow on all of our media platforms. Be sure and subscribe to all of them, always FREE!

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  1. The real question is whether DWill can juggle or parallel park while driving in Hyatt’s burning truck?

    Big fan of you fine gents in the 90s…

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