5 Things We Know On A Sunday
This week’s column brought to you in part by Kyle Rogers, our Realtor in Raiderland!
- One of the things I miss, due to the dying of newspapers – or at least reading them in print form – are great comic strips. I used to read “Peanuts” every day, “Tank McNamara” was greatness and of course “Dennis The Menace”, “Dilbert” and “The Far Side”. Some of those strips still exist, but it’s just not the same. A casualty of the evolving nature of how we consume media. Maybe we should go back to the old days and I’ll start reading a comic strip on the radio each day . . .
- If we’ve learned anything over the last year or so, it’s that a lot more Americans than I realized desperately crave someone to tell them what to do. I suppose they have a need or desire to be absolved from having to make decisions on their own.
- Top 3 Fast Food French Fries: No. 3. Arby’s curly fries. This is also another excuse to use Arby’s sauce on something, which is always a good idea. No. 2. Wienerschnitzel fries. They’re always crispy and stand up to the chili and cheese quite well. Just get a mess of them and use on whatever chili comes off your hotdog. No 1. McDonalds. Still the gold-standard of fast food fries. No matter how much the rest of their menu is dreck, the fries never fail. Pro-Tip. Order them well-done, extra crispy. This ensures they come out hot as they will have to do a fresh batch for you. Worth the few minutes of wait-time. Feel free to add your own favorites to this list.
- I’ve reached the point in my life that I no longer care if I every fly on a plane again. The airlines customer service level continues to plunge lower than Geraldo Riviera’s media ethics, and I really have no desire in the future to provide them with a urine sample and medical history. If I can’t get there in my truck; I probably don’t need to be going there in the first place.
- If your boots are “mostly water-proof”, they aren’t water-proof.
Top 3 Fries for me:
3. In-N-Out
2. McDonald’s
1. Taco Villa