5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- Anytime you hear someone say, “Now is not the time to have this conversation…”; you’re hearing someone who Never wants to have that conversation. From politics to family matters, church issues or where to eat lunch, when you hear that phrase used, know that person isn’t serious about having a “conversation”. They just want what ever issue it may be to go away. . .
- Speaking of California… I sincerely hope that state recovers and becomes The Golden State again. Every issue they have in California is government-related. The Liberals are right. It’s a Man-Made Problem. Not Man-Made Climate Change, but rather Man-Made Stupidity in governance, policy and procedure. God gave you a great land, Californians.. You guys messed it up. Not God. Now, the awesome thing about that… your problems were created by men and can be fixed by men. Good men. So fix it.
- Meanwhile, here in Lubbock… it’s 2025 and I’m still wondering if we will ever have a great steakhouse worthy of West Texas. There are some places to get a great steak, but that’s different from having a steakhouse that folks from around the State of Texas would talk about, drive to and make it a Destination to visit. If anyone has some $$$, I got some ideas on how to make it happen! 🙂 And no, I ain’t gonna cook the steaks!!!! (Although I could…)
- Random. The Church Lady sketch on SNL is the Greatest Recurring Sketch of All-Time on Saturday Night Live. Either that or Eddie Murphy as Buckwheat. Take your pick. Unce, Tice, Fee Times a Mady…
- Finally, if you listened to the Mass Media the past few days, they told you Friday was “Quitting Day”. It seems that’s when most folks quit on their New Year’s Resolutions. That’s a shame. Good news though. You can start again any time you want. Pay no attention to the media folks who tell you garbage like that and make it seem like it’s acceptable to give up. You don’t have to give up. You just start again the next day. January 1 is just the same as January 12, 15, 30 or March 9th. They’re days. Don’t fall into the trap. And ignore the Mass Media. They root for your failure and not your success and they want to make their readers, viewers fell better when they enable their failings. Harsh but true. So, make Monday your “Starting Day”. Whatever it may be. And then do it again on Tuesday!
Thanks for reading and for adding your comments and sharing with your friends. We appreciate y’all so much. If you want to do something for us… just share this and grow Raiderland. See y’all in the morning on the site!