5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- Not saying it’s the perfect song, not saying it’s the greatest song, but I will say “Sunday Morning Coming Down” is the perfect song written by one songwriter for another singer. Only Kris Kristofferson could have written it and only Johnny Cash could have truly made you feel it. So ya, a great song. For some reason I always think of it in the Spring time.
- St. Patrick’s Day does nothing for me. There. I said it. Totally made up day and green beer isn’t a thing I ever want to be associated with for the most part. And ya, I’m part Irish. At least Cinco de Mayo gets us good Mexican food to go along with the day.
- If you hang around a group of friends from your hometown and the age is roughly +/- 5 years either side of 50; at any given time you can expect a conversation to begin with, “Hey, can you remember what the name of that club/restaurant/movie theater/grocery store was on such-and-such street?”. Just get ready for it if you aren’t in that Demographic. Your time is coming, so start trying to remember which club was on 14th St. and University back in the day.
- Speaking of restaurants, has anyone else noticed the death of the Sports Bar over the last few years? Maybe part of it was the Wuhan Flu, but I’m thinking they just lost their coolness appeal. At one point they were new and novel. Getting crazy things like hot wings and loaded potatoes and nachos for a meal. Now… it seems the Sports Bar has lost its fastball. Part of it may be the cost of eating said hot wings and some other appetizers. I think mainly, they stopped being cool though. Report back to us in the comments if you have noticed this trend and if you do happen to know of a really cool, true, old-school sports bar; let us know about it.
- Hell hath no Fury like a woman who has endured a massive dirt storm and is ready to clean. For my West Texas Brothers, I’m sure you’re seeing this in action this weekend. By the time the sun sets this Sunday night our house will be cleaner that it’s been since Santa Clause dropped by. Nothing is safe. Drapes, under the bed, old bottles of mustard…everything must go! It is at once scary and impressive to watch. Can only imagine the old settlers out here around 1910 or so and how March played out in their houses… Honey, get the mop bucket!
Thanks for taking a moment to read our Sunday thoughts. We’ll be back with a Double-Header of LIVE Broadcasts this evening. We’ll recap Texas Tech Baseball at Houston with Diamond Talk and take a look at Selection Sunday and where the Texas Texas Tech MBB is playing in the NCAA Tournament. Looking to go live around 7 Central so join in on X, YouTube or Facebook. Subscribe to all of our platforms, always free, and enjoy our shows anytime!
Was just discussing our first “Welcome To West Texas” dirt storm with my early 90s Tech roommate (both from Dallas) living in Weymouth. We made the fatal mistake of barely opening our 9th floor window before heading out for the day…
I didn’t think the windows could open. Was in Coleman and I think ours were sealed shut???