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Happy Thursday!
It’s been quite a week, and it’s only gonna get more interesting on the conference realignment front. So, get ready for anything and everything as Thursday turns into Friday. Arizona may lead the way today. We shall see. We’ll recap it all at some point tonight on the Daily Broadcast. Might be a little later than usual, but we will be there.
Now, on to this week’s Either/Or Questions. Usually life isn’t black and white, but on Thursdays it is here in Raiderland. We give you one sports and one non-sports question each week to weigh in on. No wishy-washy answers. Let’s get to it.
Which is the better Chevy Chase movie? Either the original “National Lampoon’s Vacation” OR “Fletch”? Both are great in their own right. Both are imminently quotable. Both are still funny today, not trapped in a time-period of references. Well, maybe the Truckster station wagon in Vacation… But you get the idea. Which one is the better movie and why?
When it comes to Texas Tech athletics over the last year, who or what has had a bigger impact on Red Raider sports? Either Big 12 Commissioner Brett Yormark OR Events Beyond His Control? The forces of other conferences and networks working inside of college sports, or the man hired to guide the Big 12 through these rough and choppy waters since last August; which one of these choices has had the most impact on Texas Tech and why?
After that, it’s wide-open today. Got some thoughts on anything else going on; just post them here and we will get to them tonight on the Daily Broadcast. Think of these morning posts as on Open Thread for y’all to comment and share your thoughts. Same goes for our Facebook Page as well. Have fun today and we’ll see ya tonight.
Both are great but Fletch is the top choice! “Why don’t you lay down and I’ll fill you in later.” LMAO!
Rusty taking down Clark’s beer in Vaccation was awesome too but Fletch is best.