5/18/23 Question O’ The Day: Either/Or Thursday – Books And Texas Tech Baseball. What Would You Give Up For A Red Raider Big 12 Championship?

Brought to you in part by Arctic Air. If you’re air isn’t cold enough, you know what to do this summer – Call The Bear!

Happy Thursday Y’all!

Welcome to our weekly Either/Or Questions. Life usually isn’t black and white, but on Thursday’s it is around Raiderland. We love giving you some tough choices to make. It always leads to good conversation. So let’s get to it. One non-sports, one sports-related this week.

  1. Let’s talk books. How do you enjoy “reading” these days? Either audio books Or old school Hard Cover? Which do you prefer and why?
  2. For Texas Tech Baseball fans, we give you a choice today. You can Either win the Big 12 Tournament, but be assured of going 0-2 in the NCAA Tournament with no shot at advancing or evening winning a game, OR, you take your chances with no guarantees in either Arlington or NCAA Regional play. Which scenario do you take and why? Would you be willing to give up on NCAA Tournament for Tech’s first Big 12 Tournament win since 1998?

Y’all have fun, post your answers here and share with a friend or two. We’ll see y’all this evening around 6:30ish on The Daily Broadcast on Twitter Live and Facebook Live.
