5 Things We Know On A Sunday – America Needs Charlie Brown, No Boots = No Trust, Greatest Lubbock DJs, Back To School Shopping With Mom & The Search For Italian Food In West Texas

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. Fact. American newspapers demise didn’t begin with the rise of the internet. It began with the death of Charles Schulz and the end of “Peanuts”. That comic strip alone helped newspapers hang on for at least a decade longer than they should have given their business models at the time. “Peanuts” was perhaps one of the last mass media vehicles that united the country before the Balkanization created by cable, satellite, streaming services and more… America needs Charlie Brown, now more than ever. . .
  2. I don’t trust any man from Texas who doesn’t own at least one pair of boots. I can learn to trust him, he can earn my trust, but right off the bat I’m skeptical regarding that man. Harsh? Unfair? Maybe… but it seems a good Litmus Test over the years. No Boots, No Trust.
  3. Top 3 All-Time Best Lubbock DJs: No. 3. Mike Driver, FMX, 90s-2000s. The perfect voice for the format. And a great dude! No. 2. Waylon Jennings, KLLL. Never heard him on air. Doesn’t matter. If he was as DJ in Lubbock, automatic Top 3. No. 1. Lew Dee. The VOICE of Lubbock radio from the 60s to the 2000s. Creative, Cool and married an awesome person in Dianna! When I think of what a DJ is and can be, I think of Lew.
  4. Here’s to all the Moms out there enduring/surviving Back To School Shopping with their kids, especially those little boys out there… I was no treat to shop with. Still ain’t. But I will tell you this, the new tennis shoes my Mom bought me each fall made me run faster and jump higher than the other kids! I may have been a pill to shop with like so many kids, but I haven’t forgotten how those shoes made me feel. . . Thanks Mom!
  5. You can find more and better Asian and Pacific Rim food in Lubbock than Italian food these days. . . I find this interesting. Not saying it’s bad or wrong, at all, just interesting that I can find more Pho than cannelloni and carbonara. If nothing else, it proves how cosmopolitan and international Lubbock dining is these days. And, none of them needed a grant from the City Council to make it happen!
