Daily Broadcast

The Daily Broadcast: Texas Tech Should Suspend Players Arrested For Street Racing… But Won’t. Why? The Gutless Response From Wells/Hocutt Explained. Your Great Comments & Questions Featured. Enjoy And Share.

Is it really that hard to suspend a college football player these days?? […]

Daily Broadcast

The Daily Broadcast: Should Texas Tech Provide Athletes With More Ways To “Find Their Voice” On Social Issues & Protests? ACC Wants Every Team In NCAA Basketball Tournament??? How Drunk Are They? It’s 2020 In College Sports…

Do we really have to give college players more ways to express themselves? […]

Daily Broadcast

The Daily Broadcast: Pres. Trump’s Brilliant Political Play Using The Big 10. How Budget Slashing At Texas Tech & UT Usher In “Real World” Economics For College Programs. That Plus Great Fan Comments & More!

Trump’s Big Play can’t lose… […]