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5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- It’s not really that cold in West Texas until you see a coyote walking after around with jumper cables just to start the jackrabbits…
- The word “inauguration” still sounds funny to me. It’s like some sort of medical procedure… “Well, he got it infected pretty bad, but they were able to get him in fast enough to do an inauguration on it and we’re pretty sure he’ll be able to drive again – or at least fish from the bank.”. . .
- If any of their burgers actually looked like what they do on TV commercials, I might eat at Burger King every day.
- When folks have to tell you that their actions and statements don’t truly reflect who they are, know that that’s exactly who they are.
- I’m not on TikTok, don’t know that much about it as a social media app. The idea that we should just ban it raises lots of questions for me though. If it’s truly a threat to national security, it should have been jammed years ago. If they’re really spying on us, I can see where areas of our own government might not like the competition. Either way, I don’t think it’s going away. It will survive in some form or fashion under the Trump Administration. It has to. If TikTok goes away, Americans will starve. Where will American women get recipes to feed their families??? That to me, makes it a National Security issue for my belly. Heck, if China really wants any meta-data on Americans, they can just get on Facebook and save time…
Thanks for taking a few minutes to read our musings on a Sunday morning. We hope you enjoy it, add your own comments and then share with a friend or three. Be well, be warm this weekend and be safe. See ya Monday! – Ryan