Texas Tech Takes On Baylor In Big 12 Tourney, Over, Under, Rated Right – TV Sports Analysts , Raiderland Hot Links Featuring Big 12 Mayhem, Tech Football Springing Around, Boom Boxes, Skunks In Love, Alice Cooper’s Bracket & Green Flames Erupting From The Ground At Texas Tech’s Campus

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Happy Thursday, Y’all !

The weekend begins today!

We’ve got Texas Tech MBB back in action tonight against Baylor in the Big 12 Quarterfinals at 6PM. Friday Big 12 play starts for Tech Baseball and softball is back at work as well. Welcome to the Madness. It’s gonna be a fun weekend right up until Sunday when the NCAA Tournament brackets get revealed and you begin to finally fill-out a winner. Finally!

We’ll hit on all of those things and many more topics tonight on The Daily Broadcast. We might adjust the time and go after Tech and Baylor finish, so follow along on Twitter/X for updates!

Otherwise, join the show vis X, YouTube or Facebook, all your choice. If you missed us Wednesday night, here’s the replay; still as fresh as when we made it!

See y’all tonight at some point.

Over, Under, Rated Right Thursday

Each Thursday we rate a few things in Raiderland. Never know what the topic might be. Sometimes sports, sometimes not. This week, let’s take a look at sports TV analysts. Tis’ the season for just about everything from college basketball to golf and baseball looming. All those sports depend on the greatness of the analysts. So, who you got?

Tell us who you think is underrated, who is overrated and who is rated just right. Fire away in the comments below and we’ll discuss it with y’all tonight on The Daily Broadcast/ Roundball Rewind. Stay tuned today for start time for the show!

Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up, Fresh and Hot. The best links from Raiderland and Beyond!

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