Happy Wednesday,
Also known as Game Day Eve. Still feels weird. Don’t like Thursday night College Football, but that’s what we got, so we go with it.
How did Halloween go last night? Did y’all get overworked with kids seeking free sugar products? Did the Biden Economy drive folks to come out in droves looking for canned hams? We want to know!
Out here we had our usual Halloween visitors.
Not even a stray coyote or random fox. Nothing. The sunset was awesome though. As it should be.
Bandwagon Wednesday
You’re on one, you’re off one.
What are you supporting this week? What are you backing full-force? Then again, maybe something happened and you can no longer be a part of something. Tell us here. Sports or non-sports.
Raiderland Hot-Links
It’s cool stuff we like that we think you’ll like as well. Hat-Tip Joe Kinsey and Screencaps on Outkick.com for the inspiration to take a West Texas view and spin on what he does!
Behind enemy lines on Texas Tech Hoops…
Settle in for a bit. . . It takes a while to talk about 100 years of Raiderland.