As always, enjoy, comment and share with a friend. Thanks for reading and enjoy your Sunday!

5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- No Presidential debates should have moderators. It should only be the two candidates. Each ask questions of the other. Each candidate actually debates the other. No outside interference, no one else prompting or prodding or “fact-checking”. Just two people who are applying for the job of running the strongest and most powerful country in the world. If they can’t do that, they shouldn’t be running for president. I’m convinced we’d be better off if that were the scenario and not the TV Shows we are now subjected to by all of the networks. Two people. Ideas. Communication. Debate. That’s it.
- The older I get, the more I hate crowds of people. I don’t hate people, I just don’t want to be around all of y’all at one time.
- Fact. Wienerschnitzel fries are one of the most underrated fast food items out there.
- One great thing about sports? It may be one of the last collective experience we all have as folks in this country. We’ve balkanized ourselves with politics, we hunker down and select only the media that reinforces what we want to believe is true and we are even isolated in all the “TV” programming we take in today. But sports, sports cuts across all of those boundaries. And that’s why you didn’t see Patrick Mahomes endorse a political candidate this week. He gets it. Everyone buys Adidas….
- With our son off at college, it’s amazing how long left-over pizza last in our fridge… Went to bed the other night and when I woke up…. the same amount of slices were still there… It’s a miracle. Whatever we are paying for his meal plan, we’re getting a good deal! I’m sure a few of y’all can relate. . .
No. 3 hits hard. Very crispy and delicious.
Fact. Always get fries when getting chili dog. Use fries on extra chili. Every time.