5 Things We Know On A. Sunday
- If you’ve never created a Sunday column on you phone because your laptop is dying, you should really give it a try! Lots of fun. If this week’s column stinks, blame my fat thumbs!
- I’m so pleased no one is worried about what the President of The United States is tweeting these days. America and the world are so much better off.
- Top 3 Things Joe Biden Has Done As President:
- It’s easy to get down and depressed about things in the world right now. Do you really think God placed us in this world to be depressed and unhappy? I refuse to believe that. There’s more than enough happiness out there. Grab you some today, share it with a friend and let’s get on down the road.
- Is there anything more interesting than seeing what your parents and grandparents saved? When it comes to photos, letters and other precious keepsakes, all of those things give you a real-time glimpse into their life. That glimpse gives you a peek at how you became who you are and why. For all those folks who make fu n of us like me who keep probably more than I should, your kids and grandkids will be thankful for the bits of history you leave behind!
1) column is great. Good job.
2) yes such a better world (eye roll)
3) a) b) c)
4) Romans 8:18
5) truth
Thanks for reading!