5 Things We Know On A Sunday – Hello, I’d Like A Pizza Please, NCAA Tournament Commercial Fatigue Is Real, Bring Back The Cotton Kings, Barber Shop Truth And Young Guns 3 Sounds Good

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. Y’all know we love our friends at Domino’s Pizza. Great sponsors for decades of our media endeavors. That said, It struck me Saturday night while watching Texas Tech Basketball advance to the Sweet 16 in the NCAA Tournament that I don’t remember the last time I picked up the phone, called a pizza place and had them deliver to my house. Now, it’s on the app or online. It was a staple of March Madness years ago. Settle in, order the pizza, wait 29 minutes and then answer the door and Eddie has brought you a pizza. It was glorious. So, y’all tell us in the comments, when was the last time you did that instead of going online or using an app to either have it delivered or pick-up yourself??? The times, they are a changing. I miss cutting up the coupons from the back of the phone book and then using them like chips at a casino! So, anyone actually call their local pizza place lately? Let us know!
  2. After the first four days of the NCAA Tournament I’m sick of the same commercials and tired of the CBS music. Please, vary things up advertisers… As for the music… I get it, you want it identifiable and for folks to recognize it… but man… It’s as bad as getting Rocky Top stuck in your head after playing a game at Tennessee. Work in some classic rock or Conway Twitty. Whatever works.
  3. Was watching Slap Shot the other night and it reminded me of how much we miss the Lubbock Cotton Kings. I was lucky enough to get to broadcast of few of the games. I had no idea what I was doing, but had a lot of fun. I’m convinced that minor league professional hockey would thrive again in Lubbock. Maybe the folks staggering around trying to get the Lubbock County Expo Dirt Arena built should cast a wider net and think about some ice…
  4. If your barber shop doesn’t have deer heads mounted on the wall and a stereo system right of of 1970, you’re not doing it right.
  5. We have it on good authority from one of our great sources with deep Ruidoso connections that Young Guns 3 is in-fact getting filmed in New Mexico. I’m on board. Quick research indicates Emilio Estevez and it will take place around 1911 or so. So, Brushy Bill Roberts looks to be coming out of retirement. Will I buy a ticket and actually go to the theater and watch this? You bet. My next question, who does the soundtrack??? Without a great Bon Jovi song, it’s gonna be lacking. A.I. to the rescue?


Thanks for taking a minute to read our Sunday thoughts. We’ll be back this evening with Diamond Talk LIVE recapping Texas Tech and TCU’s baseball series.


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