5 Things We Know On A Sunday – Never Meet Your Heroes, Unless It’s _, FREE Advice For Married Guys, Top 3 Restaurants We Somehow Screwed-Up, Coke Floats And Grandparents, Plus – Have Lubbock Voters Given Up On Lubbock….

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. The less you know about your heroes, the better off you are. Unless it’s Roger Staubach. And then it’s OK. We need more Staubach’s out there.
  2. Dear Guys: No matter how well you fold clothes coming out of the dryer, they’ll never be exactly the way your wife wants them. And that’s OK. Just make the effort, do your best and then when she comes back and refolds them… don’t say a world. Just fold.
  3. Top 3 Restaurants We’d Go Back To Today If We Could: No. 3. Steak And Ale. A great “first date” restaurant. No. 2. Pancho’s Mexican Food Buffet. How did we not value this enough when we had it. Even my grandmother recognized the greatness. Probably one of the first places my folks took me out to eat at in public in the early 70s… No. 1. Swensens. If you never went, you’ll never know. The Earthquake. if you had one, you’ll remember.
  4. Fact. Nothing tastes as good as what you remember a Coke Float tasted like when you were a little kid having one with your Grandparents.
  5. Lubbock’s about to elect another Mayor. Run-off style. The minuscule amount of folks who will vote and determine the direction of a city of nearly 300,000 folks is telling. Either most folks think it doesn’t matter who is Mayor, or they just don’t believe their vote matters any more. Either way… It’s a sad state of affairs that so few folks think it’s worth their time to vote. That’s on the candidates by the way, that’s on the system and that’s on the “powers that be” and not the voters that they’ve become conditioned to think this way. It almost makes one wonder if that’s really the goal of the “powers that be”. . .
