5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- The College World Series is pretty much my favorite sports event these days. Is it “pure”, “untainted by modern contrivances” and completely “old school”. Nope. Not even close. But it’s a helluva a lot of fun to be there, fun to watch and if you squint really hard, you can kinda find a little bit of the college sports you grew up on, no matter how old you are. Only baseball can do that. Baseball and little kids and hot dogs and sno-cones and popcorn. It ain’t perfect, but the CWS is close.
- “Baker Street” by Gerry Rafferty is one of the most underrated rock songs all-time. Four minutes and 21 seconds of greatness. Where have you gone, saxophone?
- Top 3 Things I did That Drove My Dad Crazy. No. 3. Throw interceptions directly to a MLB that there was no way to miss in the middle of the field. I blame my friend, Marc Hendrick, a great TE who could have gone to the NFL if it wasn’t for health issues…. for running the wrong route over and over. No. 2. My hair in the 8th grade. Hell, I look back and wonder what I was thinking. Somewhere between surfer dude and a guy who just got kicked out of an English Ska-Punk Band for being “Too Hard To Deal With”. No. 1. “Is the refrigerator door open???? ”
- I got lucky. I got a great kid who made me a Dad. Thanks to Reed and Tessa for 18 Father’s Days. Each one is better than the previous one. I think many Dads can understand this. I have a hard time somedays thinking of myself as a “Dad”. No matter how many years go by, It’s hard to imagine I’m the guy or in the same role my own Dad was. But here we are guys. Dads. It’s a great job. Thankfully, my son and my wife have made it a lot easier on me than I’ve probably made it on them to be my son and my wife. Thank you two!
- I had a great Dad. Coach Hyatt was one of a kind. Not enough words to put together the complex man he was, that 54 years later I’m still learning about and unravelling the many layers of who he was, the impact he had on me and my brother Matt and our family. Like all Fathers and Sons, we had a unique relationship, on many levels. He was the best coach I ever played for. I was the worst QB he ever coached probably. We could fish together for hours in our later years without saying a word. Some of the best conversations we ever had. He allowed me to rise and fall on my own strengths, without being a Helicopter Dad. But, he was there at my biggest moments, athletics or not. I find myself, more and more, channeling Coach Hyatt in things I say or do these days. I hope that’s a good thing. It seems like it is. Happy Father’s Day to all you Dads out there. Now matter what you think, you’re probably doing it right!