Brought to you by The Shropshire Agency in Lubbock. Independent, just like West Texans.

5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- The Federal Government should shut-down, by law, every few years for about a month so we can find out all the stuff we don’t really need to be spending money on in the first place.
- One of the sadder aspects of the dying nature of the newspaper industry, at least from the print stand-point, is the demise and nearly total lack of the great political cartoonists. Lubbock’s own Jay Leeson was a good ‘un. Rest Well, Jay.
- Top 3 1990s TV Shows I Never Watched: No.3. The X-Files. Never got into it. Never understood the pop-culture references. Had to pretend like I did. Still don’t. No.2. Law And Order. This will cover all crime shows and police shows. Thank you. No. 1. Roseanne. No redeeming qualities at all in that show that I could find. Everyone else seemed to find them.
- The Ryder Cup is a great example of less being more. It would lose a lot of interest and pertinence if they played it every year. I’ve no doubt though that at some point they’ll do just that because someone will think they’re missing out on money. It will tarnish it if they do.
- The richest, most successful folks I know have one trait in common. They wake up “broke” each day.