5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- The State of the Union is just fine. The state of folks running it right now is pretty much a Crisco Inferno. But make no Mistake, the Union is fine and will be. Good Texans like you will always make sure of it.
- This is for my Texas History friends. . . There should never have been any schools or anything else named after James Walker Fannin, Jr. If you know your history, the real history, you know why. Not everyone killed in a revolution is deserving of mass praise and honor. But, he got himself and countless others killed at the right time… so there ya go.
- Top 3 Movies We Should Show To High School Seniors: No. 3. “12 Angry Men”. No. 2. “Mr. Smith Goes To Washington”. No. 1. “The Searchers”. Feel free to add your own in the comment section! I went with these three because I’m willing to bet most 18 year olds haven’t seen them.
- Daylight Saving Time. Let’s just keep it like this in Texas. I really don’t care what time it is anywhere else. Much rather have more daylight in the evening during this time of year in West Texas.
- Texas Tech suspending a professor for alleged anti-semitic remarks is probably what we should call a “good start”. Now, how many more folks living off Texas tax-payer money need to go out there? My guess is a lot. Again, we ask the bigger question. Who hired him and kept him around in the first place and why did they think he was a great addition to Texas Tech University? Find that out and you’ll find out who needs to go next…