It’s been a rough stretch here in the Panhandle and West Texas these past few days weather-wise. The folks from Perryton and Matador are resilient though. The suns up today and folks around here will get to work doing what needs to be done. Still, a few prayers wouldn’t hurt. They’re gonna need it.
Every Thursday around here we have what we call the Either/Or Question. Life usually isn’t black and white, but on Thursday’s it is. So here are your Questions O’ The Day.
Your favorite team isn’t playing. You’ve have a free trip and tickets to one of these events. Which do you choose and why? Either the College World Series’ first weekend in Omaha, Or the College Football National Championship game/weekend? Obviously one in the summer, one in the winter. . . Your call.
There’s going to be lots of talk about football and basketball schedules going forward for the new Big 12. When it comes to Texas Tech football you can have one of these teams as a “permanent” opponent for the next ten years. Which team do you choose and why? Either TCU, Or Baylor?
It will be very interesting to see which three or four teams end up on Texas Tech’s list going forward. You’d think at least two will be Texas teams. After that, I hope Oklahoma State is on the list. Arizona would work as well as an homage to the old Border Conference days.
There’s your Either/Or Questions for today. Get to work, post here and then we will see you tonight around 6:30ish on the Daily Broadcast.