6/28/24: Most Texan Thing You’ve Done This Week, Raiderland Hot Links Featuring Texas Tech Softball, Roger Staubach, The Brat Pack And Kinky Friedman

Texas Independent gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman addresses supporters during his election night party at Scholz Garten in Austin, Texas, in this November 7, 2006 file photo. REUTERS/Donald R. Winslow/Files

Brought to you in part by Arctic Air. You know what to do if your air isn’t Arctic today, Call The Bear!

Happy Friday Y’all!

Been a busy week with another busy day coming up. So let’s get to the Friday Fun!

Most Texan Thing

Every Friday you tell us The Most Texan Thing You’ve Done This Week. Big or small. Post in the comments and then encourage your friends to tell the world how Big A Texan they’ve been this week.

Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up, fresh and hot. The best links in Raiderland!

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