Happy Friday, Y’all !
Well, it’s been a week.
And by that I mean a great week!
We got Mom home from rehab and she’s back home making the Hip Great Again!!! Thanks for all they prayers for her recovery. They’re working!!!
As we do that, we careen ever closer to Launch Date for our son to go to college. Crazy how quick that happens.
In between we’ve been keeping up with everything in the world of Texas Tech and college sports for y’all. I heard the Olympics are starting this weekend or something in Paris. Yay. Not really motivated to care. Sorry. Want America to win all the medals, but it’s not like 1984 when I could go get a free quarter-pounder with cheese at McDonalds everyday with their promotion. Anyone remember that deal? It was awesome, The Russians stayed home and I ate free for two weeks!!!
Alright, let’s get on on with Friday Stuff.
Most Texan Thing You’ve Done This Week
Each week, we have one standing order in this company. Tell us the Most Texan Thing You’ve Done This Week.
From big to small, let us know how you were a great Texan this week.
Post your great accomplishments in the comment section below. Then, share it on Facebook and Twitter and challenge your friends to say how Big a Texan they were this week!!!
Me? I stopped to make sure it was a good snake in the road or a bad snake in the road before I ran over it.
It was a good snake… I gently encourage it to move to the ditch. It did.
Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve them up fresh and hot, the best links in Raiderland and Beyond! Share your with us on Twitter, @RyanHyattMedia