Happy Tuesday, Y’all !
Grub update.
We told y’all last night we are fighting late-summer grub worms. It’s not for the faint of heart. Our lawn/yard/land next to the field is my wife’s pride. She is at war with the grubs. Put out the first round of killer last night and getting it watered in. If y’all have any suggestions send them our way. Gonna put out some grass seed later this week to try and fill in some dead spots. A rain would be handy. . .
Other than that we’ve got a lot of Texas Tech Football, including our Tuesday’s Best Question to talk about on The Daily Broadcast. We’ll also ask you to define a “good year” for Texas Tech Football this season. Join us LIVE at 6:30 on X, YouTube and Facebook. If you missed the show last night, here ya go. Enjoy and share it with your friends who don’t get enough Red Raider coverage.
Tuesday’s Best
Each Tuesday we throw out a topic and y’all fire away with your Two Best examples. Talking Texas Tech Football today.
Give us your Two Favorite Texas Tech Helmet Designs all-time.
Heavens knows, you’ve got plenty to choose from over the last decade plus alone. I’m pretty traditional. I’ll give you my two favorite designs tonight on the show. Y’all post yours in the comments below. Along with Grub Killing Tips.
Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up, fresh and hot, the best links in Raiderland and Beyond! Enjoy and share! See y’all tonight on The Daily Broadcast!!