9/7/23: Either/Or Thursday-Dr. Rick vs Mayhem/ Texas Tech Helmet Battle , Raiderland Hot-Links Featuring Buddy Holly Crosswalk, Mark Levin Wisdom & Amarillo Dust

Brought to you in part by Boot City. Get game ready with a new pair of boots and your fall hat, one money saving mile outside the West Loop on 19th St.

Happy Thursday y’all.

We’ve got today and Friday it looks like to endure the last (hopefully) of the 100 degree temps for 2023. Down to 96 or so for Texas Tech and Oregon Saturday night and then on to the 80s with a chance of rain starting Monday. I’m old enough to remember rain. I’m excited for my son to experience it though. He’s a senior in high school, so it’ll be nice for him to see rain again and be old enough to remember it. . .

Let’s get on with it.

Either/Or Thursday

Each week we give you some tough choices to make. None of this gray area. You’ve got to know. You’ve got to decide and take a stand. Sometimes it’s sports-related, sometimes it’s not. Here’s your questions for today:

What’s the better advertising campaign for insurance? Either the Progressive “Dr. Rick, Turning Into Your Parents” campaign; OR the All State “Mayhem” campaign? They spend lots of money on these things. Which one do you like and why?

We’ve never done this on Either/Or Thursday. Seems like a good time to do today. When it comes to Texas Tech Football, which Double T looks better on the helmet? Either the Original Double T; OR the 3-D Double T first used in 2000? Which one on the helmet and why? Note, this is specific to the look on the helmet; not for any other use.

Raiderland Hot-Links

You guys know the drill. We post a few things each day we like and find interesting and hope you will as well. You see something during the day, post the link in the comment section below. Y’all go have a day and we’ll see you around 6:30 for the Daily Broadcast. Here’s last night’s show: Wednesday Daily Broadcast.