5 Things We Know On Christmas Eve
- Blitzen is the best name for any of the reindeer. There can be no debate. Gene Autry should have sung a song about him. He is probably the most interesting one of the bunch. Blitzen likes to party. We can tell!
- I’ll watch “It’s A Wonderful Life” tonight. Like I always do. You should too. Get your kids hooked on it. It’s much more than a Christmas Movie unlike so many Christmas Movies.
- Power Rank Top 3 Treats To Leave For Santa: No. 3. Cold Pizza. He can easily down a slice while placing presents. No. 2. Hot Wings. Don’t laugh. He has special elves who are trained in the art of removing sauce from his gloves and beard. Again, easy to handle and a tasty treat when you get back to the sleigh. Just don’t give them to Dasher. He can’t handle the hot stuff. No. 1. Diet Coke and peanut butter M&M cookies. At least three cookies. The Diet Coke helps keep him slim for the rest of the night. I recommend taste testing all of these items before placing them for Santa. Quality is King!
- You’ll probably never top a Christmas memory like the ones you have from when you were six or seven years old. So if you can, try and be around six and seven year old kids on Christmas. Or at least try and act like one. Find the magic. It’s always there, every year; sometimes we just have to look a little harder than other years…
- Without Christ Jesus, Christmas is meaningless and merely about trees and lights and candy and presents. With Christ Jesus, Christmas is a launching pad into a whole new year of Hope, Love, Forgiveness and more. So celebrate that come Monday. The birth of Christ, was the rebirth of us. Never forget that. It’s the greatest gift given by The Father. His Son. Our sins. Wiped clean. Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas and thanks for reading and commenting!