Tell Us About Your First Time… For MLB! Tell Us About The First MLB Game You Saw In Person… What Made It Special, What Made It fun?

Brought to you in part by Domino’s Pizza. A little pizza and a little baseball this weekend… Perfect!

No Big Show tonight… Instead, we’re gonna let y’all tell a few stories….

Tell us about the first Major League Baseball game you saw in person.

Which teams, where was it played, what did you get from the concession stand… Why were you there??? Vacation with family? On a break from a work trip???

How old were you and what do you remember most??


Arlington Stadium.


Texas Rangers vs Kansas City.

Pretty sure Coach Hyatt rolled in a family vacation with #txhsfb Coaching School that summer. We did that back then…

George Brett didn’t play. So I got cheated there.

Jim Kern pitched. So that was cool.

It was crazy hot. And humid.

I got one autograph… I had no idea who he was, but he leaned over the rolled up tarp on the first base side and signed my old baseball…. And I was happy…

Thank you… Dave….

It was a great day.