5 Things We Know On A Sunday: Dating Advice To All The Wonderful Ladies, Perfect Start To Fall In West Texas, Greatest Fall Meals Ever, The South Plains Fair Returns – Open Your Wallet & One Of The Best Simple Pleasures In Life!

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. Ladies, beware the man who can’t iron a shirt. He’s been coddled and he’ll expect things from you. Find a man who can and will iron his shirt and you’ll know you’re not taking a child to raise!
  2. The first day of Fall should be just like it is today in West Texas. We’ve got clouds, temps way cooler than recently and a chance of rain all day and into a night that will see lows in the 50s. Perfect. When it’s time for Fall, it needs to announce its arrival with authority. Top Seasons in West Texas? Fall. Spring. Summer Nights. Winter Days.
  3. Top 3 Foods To Eat In The Fall: No. 3. Frito Pie, in the bag at any high school football game. No. 2. Taco Soup (no corn please). No. 1. Breakfast for Supper. Pancakes, waffles, bacon and eggs. Perfect on a crisp Fall evening in West Texas.
  4. I am amazed at how much money some folks spend at The South Plains Fair. Do what you want with your money, you earned it. Still, I’m shocked with some reports I get back. Of course I feel kinda the same way with how much some folks spend on fireworks for July the 4th. I guess some folks don’t have to pay for a golf addiction or 17 streaming services, some of which you may or may not know you have… 🙂
  5. There might not be a more simple pleasure in life than being able to make a little baby laugh or smile. Figure out how to do that and you’ll have a lot of good days.


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