5 Things We Know On A Sunday

5 Things We Know On A Sunday – The Word You’re Looking For Is “Observe”, Graduation Ceremonies Need More Respect Than A Bingo Hall, 3 Must Watch Memorial Day Movies, Cook Your Meat Right This Weekend Or Else!!! & America’s Best Days MUST Be Ahead Of Us And Not Behind

Brought to you in part by The Shropshire Agency in Lubbock. Independent, just like West Texans and ready to serve you and your family, business and church the best way they can. Give them a […]

5 Things We Know On A Sunday

5 Things We Know On A Sunday – Bill Parcells Knew What He Was Talking About, It’s Been So Dry In West Texas That…,BBQ Side-Dishes, Lubbock’s Brick Dilemma And Memorial Day Respect.

As always, we look forward to your comments and additions. What do you know this Sunday?! […]

Daily Broadcast

The Daily Broadcast: Texas Tech Baseball Heads To Ga. Southern As 3 Seed Vs Notre Dame. What Did The NCAA Selection Committee Value This Year? What Did Y’all Grill And Eat Today! Great Convo! Enjoy The Replay And Share With Friends!

Live or on replay, it’s the show you want to watch when you want to watch a show about what you want to watch! […]

George Thatcher

Sunday’s With George Thatcher: Point Of Decision. A Sobering Reminder That The Events That Created A Need For Memorial Day Are Still Unfolding All Around The World Right Now For American Troops.

What’s next in this proxy war between the US and Russia? A Memorial Day lesson. […]