Happy Wednesday, Y’all !
They did it again.
The Texas Tech Red Raiders just win right now and folks are loving it.
A great and raucous crowd watched them control Baylor Tuesday night en route to a 73-59 win in Lubbock, easily covering the 8 point spread. It was another night of multiple folks stepping up for Texas Tech, including Chance McMillan and his 19 points with 5 three-pointers plus a still hobbled D-Will going for 17 points and 6-6 FT shooting.
While we sometimes think Texas Tech shoots too many 3’s, last night it saved the bacon when McMillan went off at the 9:48 with 3 in a row. That sealed the deal and now Texas Tech has a massive road game at Arizona late Saturday night.
Can’t wait!
We’ll talk about the win last night, what it means for NCAA Seeding plus start delving deeper into the Super Bowl match-up and more on The Daily Broadcast this evening LIVE at 6:30 Central. Join the show on X, YouTube and Facebook Live, all platforms always FREE.
If you missed last night’s show, here ya go:
What If Wednesday
Each Wednesday, we enter the world of Alt. History. Created by loyal viewer Chris A., we ask you a question each week about the world of sports or otherwise…WHAT IF.
What IF things had turned out just a little different? How would it have affected future events? Always an interesting subject to us here in Raiderland.
This week: What IF – Texas Tech, OSU, OU and Texas had joined the Pac-12 in 2010?
Would the Pac-16 be a “Power Conference” today? Would it have staved off massive realignment or spun it out of control faster? Would Texas Tech be better positioned today, why or why not?
Tell us how history would be different if there is a Pac-16 or even 18 today???
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An interesting “What If” indeed. I believe that as stated in previous “what ifs” that the coaching dominoes would have taken some different turns.
But let’s stick with the conference changes and the short answer – CannI assume that Utah and CU still come along? So, with the PAC as a now 16 team power league with 3 solid “helmet schools” in OU, USC, and UT, I think the consolidation into 4 power leagues (that we see currently) occurs sooner and therefore the playoff expansion happens sooner.
However, all things being equal and comparing what would have been a power 4 then to the power 4 we have now, and even tho I like the name BIG12 over the PAC, I would have preferred the 2010 shake-up for one reason and one reason only – regionality.
A PAC16 conference still would have been huge but it would not have been LA to NYC and would be the premiere western conference.
SECSECSEC would have stayed southeast
BIG would be north and northeast
ACC would be east