Happy Tuesday Y’all!
Crunch-Time now for Christmas guys. It’s time to think about shopping. Don’t go in unprepared both physically and mentally. Hold your fire as long as you can. You’ve got time, but you can’t be wasting it right now aimlessly wandering around a big box store or something. You need a solid plan and it should take no more than two hours start to finish. Let us know how it’s going? Also, for our married friends, feel free to share best ideas you’ve gotten so far. We can all use some inspiration.
Tuesday’s Best
Each Tuesday we throw out a topic or a category and you give us the Two Best Examples you can think of. Pretty cut and dried. Sometimes. Could be sports. Might not be.
Today, give us your Two Best Examples of Great Christmas Sports Gifts.
What are the best sports-related gifts you’ve ever received? What would you love to get? Rank ’em here.
Best Thing I Ever Ate
Hat-Tip Food Network for a great show. Each week we’re all about food in Raiderland. We make it official on Tuesdays. Today we want you to give us the One Thing That Must Be In Your Christmas Stocking on Christmas morning… No stocking is complete without Santa dropping off an orange and some Hershey’s miniatures. Junior Mints are a huge plus. What’s your Must Have when it comes to stocking stuffer candies and more?
Raiderland Hot-Links

We see it. We like it. We post. A West Texas version of the Great Joe Kinsey’s Screencaps column at Outkick.com! Y’all can post your own in the comments.