Brought to you by Boot City. Look good for the Big Dance in March! Get some new boots!

5 Things We Know On A Monday ( It’s a lot like Sunday, but one day late! )
- Overheard: ”Your best ability is your availability”. I’m going to give former NFL GM Michael Lombardi credit for this one. Right now, the best ability to have is being able and willing to do the job. The folks willing to show up, take the work, do the job and improve… huge in America. Lot’s of folks have been conditioned the last two years not to be available. They will pay dearly the rest of their lives. Look around wherever you work. Look who is succeeding. They showed up.
- Pick a time and go with it. I like that sun shining later in the day in the Spring and Summer. This shouldn’t be hard to do. That it is, tells you all you need to know about how government works. We can’t fix clocks. Why would you think politicians can fix the world’s toughest issues? Let’s start with clocks and go from there.
- Top 3 Worst Spring Break Destinations: #3. Muleshoe’s Nude Beach. ( Number 3 provided by Dirk West… ) #2. Poland’s eastern border. #1. Abilene After Dark! (Concludes 30 minutes before sunset per local ordinance. . . Redeem your wristband for free tours of local wineries. Wineries include but not limited to all truck stops and Subway/Gas Stations. 2-drink maximum, not including Imodium and/or Pepto. Thanks for coming to Abilene!
- Raw onions. I like onions. Word was my grandfather could eat an onion like an apple. I’m not that bold, but when it comes down to it, the Onion is a ”5-Tool Player” when it comes to cooking and food. Burgers? Yep. Hotdogs? Why not? Sauté with mushrooms and put it on a rib-eye? Of course. Pizza? Sandwich? Yes. When the onion shows up, the party is just getting started food-wise. Not really sure what the onion doesn’t make better. Other than oatmeal and yogurt. Then, the onion has to stay home for a bit. If you don’t like onions, give me some solid reasons, because I don’t think you can.
- Life is too long. Life is to long to put up with idiots. Life is too long for you to accept anything less than the best you can get out of it. The folks who proclaim, ”Life is too short”; are wrong. Folks can endure anything in the short-term. Well, your life isn’t short-term. It’s hopefully wonderful and long. So don’t put up with crap. Life is too long. Start small, eliminate the most crap-tacular thing in your life tomorrow and post it below in the comments section. Seriously! Share it and let others know what kinda crap you think your life is too long to endure! Share this column and then post away! Life is too long not to do it. I’ll start. Life is too long for me to wait for idiot drivers of big trucks to back in and out of a space to park. I’ll park as far out as I can in my big truck and walk past the guy still trying to park his truck. I’ll feel better, get to laugh at the guy and I get extra exercise. See, it doesn’t even have to be a life-altering thing. So, life is Too-Long, what are you gonna do!!!!!