5 Things We Know On A Sunday – Actually, We Only Know One Thing This Week. . . Pray For America

Brought to you in part by the Shropshire Agency in Lubbock. Independent, just like all great West Texans!

5 Things We Know On A Sunday

Most Sunday’s, we give you Five Things We Know.

Sometimes they’re funny, sometimes they’re serious.

Today, it’s deadly serious.

Our great county is sick. It’s ill. it has problems and we saw Saturday in Butler, Pennsylvania just how raw the wounds of political rhetoric and more have made this country.

So what do we know this Sunday?

We know this.

Pray for America.

You can pray for a candidate or a policy or anything you want, but if you don’t pray for this country to heal itself, none of those things will matter.

We are much closer today to 1860 right now than we are to 2025. . .

The good thing, you can change the course of history. You can help change hearts and minds. America is great, when Americans decide to be great. So decide to be great again.

Otherwise, what happened Saturday is a mere precursor to a symphony of violence and depravity to come on the American Landscape. . . So change the course.

I still believe America is the Shining City on a hill, whose best days are ahead and not behind. But each day that goes by, that belief gets challenged and eroded by the most base and craven actions and emotional outbursts by far too many politicians, pundits and media-types.

Don’t give in to it.

This only changes when individuals change.

Go be great again.


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