5 Things We Know On A Sunday – Christmas Traditions From The Blue-Gray Game To Chelsea St. Pub & Exactly How Many Presents You Can Open Before Christmas Day – Enjoy And Share A Few Of Your Own!

5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. “O Come, All Ye Faithful” is the best Christmas carol, hands down, no debate. Who ever wrote “Adeste Fideles” got it right when they penned it in Latin. Thanks to Frederick Oakeley for translating it to English in 1841 so I’d be able to sing it a few years later at a third grade church Christmas show. I would have struggled with the Latin version I think!
  2. If the NORAD Santa Tracker site had existed when I was 9-years old I would not have slept the night before Christmas. . .
  3. It is permissible to open one gift on Christmas Eve. Just one. Everything else is to be opened on Christmas Day. I don’t make the rules, I just follow them.
  4. I wonder how many Christmas Day pictures over the years while I was growing up have the Blue-Gray Game on TV in the background? I can’t be the only one who had this college football all-star game as a Christmas Day video background. Funny thing is, I can’t remember a thing about any of those games over the years. It was just on. . .
  5. I will always miss Chelsea St. Pub at Lubbock’s South Plains Mall. It became a Christmas Eve tradition for me and my wife ( even before I conned her into become my wife ) to gather there after we finished our shopping. OK, she was finishing her shopping; I was usually beginning my shopping. Chelsea St. was a welcome oasis in a sea of horrible holiday shopping mobs. Everyone in there on Christmas Eve resembled refugees thankful for a few morsels of food and drink. It was wonderful.

Merry Christmas, y’all!
