Brought to you in part by Boot CIty in Lubbock and The Shropshire Agency. Two great, locally owned and operated West Texas businesses ready to serve you!
5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- The first cotton modules are rolling into the gins around these parts this week. Always one of my favorite times of the year on the South Plains. The fields, after they’re defoliate and before they’re stripped look like a gentle blanket of snow has crested the plants. While I could do without what the cotton does to my allergies sometimes, there’s nothing better than to see those strippers out running and the module trucks hauling. If you’re out around these parts, watch out for farmers and trucks, it’s their time of year so be safe on our roads.
- Shout-out to my local 7-11 for adding açaí-blueberry-pomegranate flavored vitamin water to the fountain drink machine. Game-Changer! Great way to start my morning and helps delete a portion of the Diet Coke I drink during a day. And, it’s a great savings too at two bucks for a Big Gulp vs buying it individually. Would love to see more places give us those options on fountain drinks.
- Top 3 Truck Driving Songs All-Time: No. 3. “Girl On The BIllboard” Del Reeves. No.2. “Phantom 309” Red Sovine. No. 1. “Teddy Bear” Red Sovine. ( Looking back, we should have just gone Top Red Sovine Songs All-Time )
- If someone ever asks you what your favorite thing is about the place you live, just quickly say “the people” first and then add in anything else after that you want. You’ll always be right and no one will ever have to wonder if you like where you live. . .
- As long as they can take your money, politicians will always find a way to spend it. It stands to reason, folks should find candidates to vote far that are willing to make it harder for politicians to get your money, not easier. And we ain’t talking about just Washington D.C. here. Next a candidate starts telling you what they want to do, ask them pointedly what it is that they Aren’t going to do with your money.
1. This is the sign that fall has really arrived.
2. My local 7-11 offers this and it’s great for a post-hike beverage.
3. Honorable mention goes to Easbound and Down.
4. Always include what makes people money in the area too, like the endless Agriculture subsidies or the schools.
5. Also, ask a politician what they’re for instead of what they’re against.
Tell me more about this “post-hike” thing.