5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- Saw one of the great harbingers of Christmas today. At United’s Market Street on 98th and Quaker, Egg Nog was back. It looked splinded. I was beckoning all of us to embrace the holidays now! Don’t feel bad if you want some Egg Nog here in October. It’s just fine. If it were up to me, I’d rip out all the Halloween stuff on the “seasonal aisle” and put up the Christmas stuff now. By the way, don’t add anything to your basic over-the-counter Egg Nog you buy at the store. Reserve the quality stuff for legit boiled custard. There’s a big difference.
- I am convinced that most of our dogs can tell time. Not based off the sunlight in the morning, but they actually can read a clock and tell what time it is.If we are tardy in getting up, letting them out or getting them food, they in no uncertain terms let us know. I am also convinced our teenage son can not tell time in the mornings, with or without modern technology. How does he know it’s time to get out of the shower and continue getting ready? Because the house is out of hot water. . .
- President Joe Biden has kept one campaign promise. With approval ratings now below 40% in most places, he has proven he can unite all Americans, regardless of party affiliation. An impressive feat in just a few scant months of office. Can’t wait to see what year 1.5 has in store!
- It’s windy as hell around Lubbock and the South Plains today. I’d take blowing dust a few times a year any day over the humidity of other parts of Texas, the traffic in other cities and the prevailing politics in some many of those places. I call days like this, “Yankee Repellant”. The great thing about West Texas? You have to want to live here and to a certain extent, you have to earn the right to thrive here. Everyone else seems to go to Dallas or Austin….
- If you’ve never watched a football game from the tailgate of a pick-up truck, you’re not doing Texas High School Football right.