5 Things We Know On A Sunday – From Mashed Potatoes To REO Speedwagon, August Heat To Airlines Plus The End Of Spanking In Lubbock . . .

5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. When it comes to high-ceiling/low-floor, there may be no food with a greater gap than mashed potatoes. Really great mashed potatoes can be a work of art, a meal unto themselves.. Bad mashed potatoes can ruin an otherwise fine meal. When you find great mashed potatoes, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it with the world!
  2. 96 degrees outside feels hotter in August than it does in June and July. This is a scientific fact.
  3. Top 3 REO Speedwagon Songs. No. 3 Heard It From A Friend No.2 Roll With The Changes No. 1 Ridin’ The Storm Out It’s also a known fact you can sing any REO song in Waylon Jennings voice and it works..
  4. I don’t care if if fly on a commercial airline ever again. That industry, among others, should. be very concerned right now that many consumers are in the process of realizing they don’t need their services.
  5. This past week the Lubbock Independent School District, officially eliminated spanking as a form of discipline. It was said they hadn’t used that kind of punishment since 2015. Judging from the way kids act these days, that sounds about right. . .
