5 Things We Know On A Sunday
- If you’re always thankful to have a muddy truck, you know you’re from West Texas. Hope mine stays that way for the next week or so.
- Unpopular opinion perhaps, but I’m not a fan of the “standardized” Texas Tech class ring. I like the rings to be unique, just like the individual who earned the ring. Of course I’m the same guy who doesn’t own a class ring. I got a Texas Tech belt buckle for graduation.
- The Wonder Years ended 30 years ago this past week. You could absolutely remake that TV show, set it in the late 90s or early 2000s and it would be a hit. Some things never change. Growing-up is one of those things. I volunteer to be the narrator.
- Everybody is always doing lists and topics about “What Lubbock Needs”. We need to do more lists about “What Lubbock Doesn’t Need”. Lubbock doesn’t need to do anything that makes it more like Dallas, Austin, Houston or even Oklahoma City. You’re gonna wake-up one day in Lubbock and find out Lubbock is gone if you’re not careful. It’s getting harder and harder to come up with valid reasons why Lubbock is different or better than a lot of bigger cities around the state and region. . .
- Here’s to all the great Mom’s out there. I have one and my son has one too. Not a bad deal. I’d say every day should be treated like Mother’s Day, but they’re smart women and they’d just wonder what we’d screwed-up and what we were trying to make up for! Happy Mother’s Day, y’all!
The mud here means something. It means fun. It means happiness. It means success is soon to be had. It means life.
A Wonder Years remake. I like it!
Do a west Texas version. Some kind of mixture of The Sandlot, Long of the Hill, and some sort of cotton farmer’s kid version of Saved by the Bell.
Moms. Love them. Without them, none of us would be here.
We need more mud!