5 Things We Know On A Sunday – The “Real” Question We Should Be Asking About President Joe Biden, Top Hurricane Names, Trout Week, Side-Effects & Greasy Bags

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. If the question is, “is one capable of running for President”…then isn’t the real question, “is this person capable of being President right now?”. I think, when it comes to President Joe Biden, sadly, many folks are asking the wrong question this weekend. Either way, it’s a horrible thing for Americans, Red or Blue. . .
  2. Christmas in July on The Hallmark Channel is better than Shark Week. Now, if they have German Brown Trout Week, let me know and I’m all in.
  3. Top 3 Unused Hurricane Names: No. 3. Twisted Sister. No. 2. Larry. No. 1. Oprah.
  4. If it takes longer to tell me the side-effects and how I’m going to feel awful and then die, than it does to tell me what the injection/drug actually does… I’m probably not gonna take your drug. BTW, that would have been handy information for a lot of folks back in 2020/2021…
  5. A quality hamburger should always leave a big grease stain at the bottom of the brown sack you’re taking it home in.


1 Comment

  1. #2 and # 5 are absolutely on point! I sure miss the ole Burger House on 29th Drive. Bonus Burger never let’s me down, however…

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