5 Things We Know On A Sunday – What Teachers/Preachers/Coaches & Politicians Can’t Do For You, Hamburger Truth, 3 Issues Every Candidate Should Run On, Why Don’t You Pay Teachers & Lubbock Drivers Are So ________ … Enjoy, Comment, Share

Brought to you in part by the great West Texans at The Shropshire Agency in Lubbock. Independent, just like you and your business and family. Find out this week what they can do for you. Give them a call and tell them thanks for being a huge part of what we do here in Raiderland!

5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. Overheard: By themselves, No Teacher will make you smarter, No Coach will make you a better player, No Politician will make you richer and NO Preacher will get you to Heaven. All of the outcomes are up to you.
  2. I shouldn’t have to ask for cheese on a burger. You should have to tell them you don’t want to have an awesome hamburger and for them to remove the greatness that is cheese. Also, mustard should be standard. Want mayo, got to ask for it.
  3. Top 3 Things Every Politician Should Run On: No. 3. Crime. No. 2. Limited Government. No. 1. Economics. That’s it, that’s all. You hit those three facets of life and you pretty much cover everything that matters to folks and everything government could/should be involved in.
  4. Speaking of Teachers, nearly everyone agrees that we don’t value teachers enough. Yet year after year, the folks who can pay them more and “value” them more don’t do anything about it. I’m not talking about politicians, I’m talking about the voters, the parents and the residents of a state or town that can make that happen in one single election. So… why is that the case? Why do we say we value one thing, and then we at the same time, and it’s empirically proven, never do anything to make that a reality? I have my thoughts. . . but what are yours?
  5. Lubbock drivers are so polite you can sit at a 4-Way Stop for 10 minutes while everyone tries to wave everyone else through the intersection first.
