6/11/24: Tuesday’s Best – Summer Sports Events , Raiderland Hot-Links Featuring Nolan Ryan, Vince Lombardi and Ferris Bueller

Brought to you in part by Lifts West in Red River, New Mexico. Get your summer bookings done now. Filling up fast, but there’s still room for you in Red River!

Happy Tuesday, Y’all !

We’re back up and running today, or at least walking at a gingerly pace. Some random stomach bug jumped up and bit us this weekend. You know it’s bad when you take a shower and you’re so tired you need a nap. . .

So, forgive us but not a ton today but at least wanted to drop in and say hello. I hope we’re up for a Daily Broadcast tonight around 6:30 on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook. We’ll see how it goes.

Now, on with it.

Tuesday’s Best

Each Tuesday we give you a topic, you give us your two best examples of the topic.

What are the Two Best Major Summer Sporting Events? From June through August, three months of great sports. Which two events do you consider the best? Any and all sports.

Raiderland Hot-Links

Oh how we wish we were feeling good enough to eat some hot links this morning. These will have to do!

Get well soon, Dr. Schovanec!