5 Things We Know On A Sunday – The WNBA Wants To Stay On Welfare, Things Worth Protesting, Top 3 Things Lubbock Could Get Rid Of, All-Night Radio, Now What. . .

Version 1.0.0

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. For whatever reason, I’m convinced many involved with the WNBA don’t want the league to be mainstream, don’t want it to be popular and would rather it stay in a small niche subsidized by the NBA with no accountability when it comes to ratings, revenue and relevancy. Why? You tell me. . .
  2. I’ve never attended any protest of any sort, never marched and carried signs and shouted my views to other folks. If I ever do, it will probably be a protest against the current state of what they call country music. Pretty sure I can put together a Million Man March.
  3. Top 3 Things Lubbock Could Get Rid Of: No. 3. Outdated sign ordinance. Let’s look like a city. I want neon signs. You drive from the airport on I-27 through Lubbock and you’d think you’re going through Tulia. Let’s amp it up! I want Lubbock to look like Radiator Springs in 1957. No. 2. Dog Parks. Yep. I said it. All it does is encourage folks to buy pets that they really don’t have the ability to treat right. A lot of folks owning dogs shouldn’t. They end up dumped or on the streets. Don’t enable. No. 1. Media Types, young and old, who can’t pronounce the names of the regional cities and towns. News Directors and Program Directors… that should be job one for you. Nothing kills your credibility as much as an on-air personality mispronouncing where they live and who they cover. Of course I’m sure a lot in management these days would struggle on a pronunciation test as well given the state of media these days…
  4. I wonder if anyone still sleeps at night with an AM/FM clock radio on their nightstand with it tuned to the overnight talk show like I used to in the 90s- early 2000s. For a long time I couldn’t sleep without that sound in the back ground. Texas Overnight with Charley Jones on KRLD out of Dallas was the best. After that it was The V Show on ESPN Radio with Bob Valvano. Now, it’s earbuds and your phone and whatever you want to watch/listen to. Not the same…
  5. Now what? I heard someone the other day say that “now what” is a great question to ask yourself. It implies you have either accomplished something and you’re on to your next achievement or that you are struggling with something and need a new process. Either way, it seems like a good thing to constantly ask yourself. If there is no “now what” in your life, you’re done doing things. . .



  1. Used to think murder was committed on music row. Now I see it was suicide.

    Charley Jones and Texas Overnight for the win. But they are all gone too.

    WNBA. It’s what abc/nbc/cbs has degenerated to in prime time. Unrelatable and a weak product with one time stars turned hasbeens and new unlikeable stars that will do anything to make themselves even more unlikeable.

  2. Who is the UFO guy? Was that Charley?

    Great list Ryan.

    I’m not sure we knew it at the time but growing up in America in the 70s and 80s was pretty darn special.

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