7/21/23 Question O’ The Day: What’s The Most Texan Thing You’ve Done This Week?

Brought to you in part by The Shropshire Agency in Lubbock. Independent, just like West Texans. Find out what they can do for you. Check out their awesome Facebook page as well as their site.

Happy Friday, y’all.

It’s time.

Each Friday we ask the same question of you in Raiderland.

What’s The Most Texan Thing You’ve Done This Week?

It’s more important than ever that Texans are doing Texan things. So post your comments here for all the world to see and then share this on your pages and drive the conversation there. Get more Texan.

We’ll see y’all tonight around 6:30ish or so on The Daily Broadcast. Could have a lot of news out of the Pac 12 today. Then again, probably not. The Air Raiders are in action tonight against The Enchantment (New Mexico players) and the Texas Rangers are never gonna lose again. So we got a lot to get into tonight. See ya then.



  1. Made grape jelly from wild Mustang grapes that my daughter and I picked at the farm.

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