Happy Monday, Y’all !
We’ve got another great week of summer sports fun and more, and this week we don’t have to wake up every day wondering what day of the week it is! Those mid-week holidays can be rough. Hopefully y’all paced yourselves and are ready to rock and roll today.
We’ve got Week Two at Wimbledon, British Open one week away from the British Open (which should not be the last Major of the year! ) and we’ve got Big 12 football media days.
It’s moving fast and we’ll talk about it all tonight on The Daily Broadcast, LIVE at 6:30 on Twitter, YouTube and Facebook Live. Subscribe to all of our platforms and never miss a thing. You can join in on the show on your platform of choice. We take comments and questions in Real-Time and of course we love the Replay People.
Texas Tech Legends Week
Bigger and better than Shark Week, nearly as cool as German Brown Trout Week, it’s time for Texas Tech Legends Week!

Each day we’ll focus on certain position groups for Texas Tech Football history, getting your favorite and top players at each position. We’ll start tonight on TDB with your all-time favorite Running Backs and Linebackers. You can pick up to three players at each position. So think on that this morning and then join the show tonight and see if your favorite players get some love. Feel free to start the discussion in the comment section below. We always say this isn’t a message board, but we do enjoy when y’all contribute to the discussion here!
Raiderland Helmet Sticker Monday
It’s simple. We recognize greatness and awesomeness in sports and non-sports realms by handing out the coveted Raiderland Helmet Stickers. Helmet Stickers are cool. We want them to come back in style.

So, who gets yours this week?
Here’s a few of our choices:
- Texas Tech Softball. Wasting no time not just adding players, but seemingly upgrading talent. When you sign a pitcher that beat OU in Norman, I’ll take that.
- Joe Bastardi. Weather Bell. One of the sanest voices out there national when it comes to weather. Follow him on Twitter @BigJoeBastardi You’ll be glad you did.
- Our son for surviving his first week as a summer church camp counselor. Every kid was returned to their families intact. That’s a win!
Go post yours in the comments and feel free to mention your significant other. They’d appreciate it!
Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up hot and fresh. The best links from Raiderland and Beyond! if you see something out there during the day, share it with us. @RyanHyattMedia on Twitter or post in the comments.