5 Things We Know On A Sunday – When They Try To Offend You, It’s OK To Be Offended, I Won’t Eat Something Called ___, Things That Should Be Olympic Sports But Aren’t, The Worst Thing You Can Steal & The Perfect Swimming Pool Snack

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5 Things We Know On A Sunday

  1. If you have to do amazing mental and linguistic gymnastics, let alone theological shenanigans and historical revisions to try and convince folks they shouldn’t be offended by something… it’s a sure bet those folks were right to be offended in the first place.
  2. Not every word needs to be abbreviated to be cool. We have a fascination and fixation these days when it comes to shortening language. . . Nuggets is one of those words. As in chicken nuggets. Nuggs. Nope. Don’t want to eat anything called Nuggs. Just sounds wrong. I blame Canada.
  3. Top 3 Things That Should Be Olympic Events: No. 3. Parallel Parking, no auto-assist. No. 2. Lawn Darts. No. 1. Reconciling a check-book/bank account. No QuickBooks or computer programs allowed.
  4. The most disrespectful thing you can do is steal someone else’s time. To be late, to not honor a commitment involving time, to steal time is to steal something someone can never get back. You can make more money, buy more things, but you’ll never get time back. I abhor people who do that. And more and more, it seems the norm, not the exception. We get what we allow. Don’t allow anyone to steal from you.
  5. An ice cold Coke and a Zero Bar was about as good as it could get at the swimming pool as a kid. Easily under a dollar. Which was good, cause I only had one or two dollars at the pool. Wet dollars. Wonder how hard it was to count the til at the end of the day at The Sea Horse or Sun-N-Fun in Lubbock back in the 70s/80s? After I graduated high school I worked as a life guard at the Racquet Club in Lubbock. Stories for days. One thing didn’t change. Having to work the concession stand… all the dollars were wet and smelled of chlorine and sun screen. Greatness.
