Daily Broadcast: Texas Tech Football & The Screen Game… Yes! Give Us Under, Over, Rated Right College Football Coaches. . . Bands You Never Saw In Concert, But Could Have & You Regret It!!! Hello, Aerosmith!

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Give them a look if you want something a little different. No phones, no TVs and no modern worries. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Alright, we had a lot to get to tonight on The Daily Broadcast!

We got Texas Tech football and a deep dive on why the screen passing game can and should work this year for Texas Tech. We’ve got Overrated, Underrated and Rated Right Wednesday featuring college football coaches and the we get into the greatest bands you NEVER saw but could have… and didn’t

We also tell the true story on how Hyatt nearly killed Steven Tyler of Aerosmith … In Las Cruces, New Mexico… It was horrifying for all involved.. So.. give the show a watch and then share with your friends who need more West Texas, More Texas Tech and more fun!

BTW, the menu below is for Yesterdays Diner in Red River… Your breakfast stop!!! Trust me. Enchiladas!!!