Happy Tuesday, Y’all !
Another great day in West Texas so we hope you get out and enjoy it!
Consider this the quiet before the storm on all fronts. We get to watch other teams beat themselves up in the Big 12 Tournament this week before Texas Tech plays on Thursday night. That’s awesome. Root for carnage! Tech Baseball has some days off before going to Houston and that’s just what they need. Tech softball has moved up to #9 in the rankings and it just feels cool to type it. Now hope that Nijaree Canady gets healthy quick for that bunch.
We’ve got all of that an more tonight on The Daily Broadcast. Join in LIVE at 6:30 Central on X, YouTube or Facebook live. We love taking your comments and questions each night and never know where the conversation will go.
If you missed the Monday show, you missed a good one. If you love college basketball, check out the replay today and be sure and subscribe to all of our platforms. All FREE!
See ya tonight.
Tuesday’s Best

This week we’re looking at conference basketball tournaments past.
Give us your Top Two conference tournament moments, games and players from over the years. Can be Texas Tech related but doesn’t have to be. Fire away in the comments and we’ll discuss in detail tonight on The Daily Broadcast. I’ve got more than a few my decades of covering the SWC and Big 12 Tournaments.
Raiderland Hot Links

Each morning we serve ’em up, Fresh and Hot. The Best links from Raiderland and Beyond!

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