Daily Broadcast: Why We Making Dudes Stand Outside In Hurricanes To Tell Us It’s Windy… What IF Wednesday – Big 12 Style, NCAA Gets Rid Of Letter Of Intent, The Creation Of A Texas Tech Great… Enjoy, Comment, Share!

Brought to you in part by South Plains College… The Road to Raiderland Runs Through Levelland!!!!

From NCAA regulations to wondering why we have to stick reporters in a hurricane, welcome to The Daily Broadcast. Enjoy, Share, Comment. Grow Raiderland with your friends. See ya in the morning on the site for Over, Under, Rated Right Thursday! Now, get after the show. Just cause you miss it in real-time doesn’t mean it still ain’t fun!!!

1 Comment

  1. I think the PAC would’ve been the survivor and the Big12 remnants would have been the ones left scrambling to find new landing spots exactlylike what ended up happening to the PAC.

    And in such a scenario I’d feel less comfortable about Tech’s chances to be including in the coming “super league” than I do now. Of course the size of said league will be the ultimate factor. It really come down to how many playmates the helmet schools ($$$) want to bring along with them.

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